One day you meet the love of your life, and you are certain this is the person with whom you want to unite. We all want marriages that are lively and blessed. Understanding the biblical commitment as well as your expectations is vital to creating a marriage that will last when life gets tough. We want that connection that makes us feel as if we are the only ones on the planet.

Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed. – Genesis 2:24-25, ESV

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God wants you to know what it is to have a relationship based on faith and His word. Learning to desire this type of relationship is not what mainstream relationships are like. The Colony Christian Counseling will be happy to help you create a plan so that you can identify how your relationship can stay focused on creating a future based on God’s Word.

Since you are reading this page, that shows that you are seeking answers to the question of counseling. Just because you are seeking counseling doesn’t mean your relationship is doomed. It simply indicates that you desire something better for you and your partner. Even some of the strongest relationships need counseling at times. Seeking a better relationship does not imply there is a lack of love.

Most of the time couples seek counseling in order to create a positive foundation for their marriage. They want to create a marriage built on faith and God’s Word. The best way to do this is to seek guidance from a Christian counselor. Christian counselors in The Colony strive to maintain counseling plans based on biblical principles.

In the disruptive world of trying to build a career and stay spiritually healthy, couples sometimes lose touch with each other. This can cause a relationship to change. It may even lead to the dissolving of the relationship. Choosing to reconnect and maintain the relationship may involve seeking Christian counseling.

There are some indicators that couples counseling would be beneficial.


It’s not always a common reaction to end a relationship just because of one misunderstanding. But if the pattern is continuous and causes hurt, then there could be an underlying issue that could be resolved with Christian counseling. Because of this, learning to communicate is one of the most important areas of relationships. When you can acknowledge that there is a communication issue it becomes easier to overcome.

Broken Trust

The most difficult problem in a relationship is the one of broken trust. It is the hardest to forgive. Infidelity and sexual addiction have the biggest impact on trust. The choice to work as a couple to overcome this problem is the only way to begin to heal from the damage. A big part of overcoming this broken trust is to understand the underlying issue that led to seeking an affair.

The Colony Christian Counseling understands this difficulty and will strive to help you and your partner work through the hurt from this problem. Having a safe space to discuss the reasons why it happened can help with understanding how to avoid future issues.

Detrimental Behaviors

Some behaviors can strain a relationship due to anxiety. Any behavior that pulls you away from the relationship is detrimental. Some of these behaviors are a result of trauma or abuse as a child. When they are deeply rooted, it is better to seek counseling to help overcome them. Breaking the cycle of unhealthy behavior patterns will allow couples to understand how to connect and create a healthy lifestyle for their future.

Building Christ-Centered Relationships

Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil. For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up! Again, if two lie together, they keep warm, but how can one keep warm alone? And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken. – Ecclesiastes 4:9-12, ESV

When you seek to build your relationship based on the biblical principles of God’s Word, you are building a foundation that will sustain the hard times. The wisdom and strength of God’s Word create a bond that is not easily broken by the small things.

Healthy Dating Creates a Healthy Marriage

If you desire to have a healthy marriage, you need to start with healthy dating. This doesn’t mean that you have to be all things couple according to society. If you desire to practice intimacy without promiscuity then that should be based on your choice. Dating in today’s society is not what it was decades ago. Realizing it is okay to choose to date and build a relationship is a healthy way to pursue a relationship. Christian counselors in The Colony have the ability to help you understand how to connect on a platonic level while dating.

Let marriage be held in honor among all, and let the marriage bed be undefiled, for God will judge the sexually immoral and adulterous. – Hebrews 13:4, ESV

Relating to your partner as a friend first can help you understand how to relate in ways that produce a healthy relationship. This can lead to an even stronger marriage. God never intended for relationships to be built around sexual promiscuity. That part of the relationship was meant to be intimate and life-giving.

The goals of couples counseling can differ depending on the couple and the reason they are seeking guidance. It could be based on the common problem of miscommunication or simply pre-marital counseling to create a better relationship in preparation for the unity of marriage. The Christian counselors in The Colony are willing to help you achieve the relationship you desire. It has been noted that couples counseling before marriage often leads to a healthier marriage.

When working through couples counseling, there are a few methods that can be used to reach the goals and provide the best faith-based plan for couples counseling.

  • Psychodynamic Approach
  • Gottman Method
  • Crucible Approach Couples Counseling
  • Narrative Therapy
  • Emotionally-Focused Couples Therapy

If you would like to learn more about these methods reach out to your Christian counselor in The Colony, Texas. Your counselor will help you make an informed decision about the best method for you and your partner. It is important to The Colony Christian Counseling that clients receive the best results. They want to ensure that couples are given biblical-based information and tools to help them build long-lasting relationships.

Lifetime Benefits of Couples Counseling

Choosing couples counseling prior to marriage can help you build a foundation is built that will produce lifetime benefits. These benefits will affect your family for years to come. Understanding and implementing the principles of biblical relationships now can help you and your partner resolve future issues. This can also help you navigate life as a parent should you choose to have children.

  • Better communication and listening skills
  • Removing destructive behaviors
  • Understanding how to encourage each other
  • Learning to work together to overcome issues
  • Recognizing barriers that cause challenges
  • Creating a spiritually based relationship
  • Gaining the ability to make decisions as a team

The Christian counselors in The Colony Texas use principles found in God’s Word to create a structured plan specific to your relationship. This increases the rate of success of couples counseling for you and your partner.  Maintaining focus on you as a couple within the boundaries of God’s Word leads to a positive experience.

If you feel that you are ready to reach out to a counselor contact The Colony Christian Counseling. They have counselors ready to discuss options and strategies that will enhance your relationship with your partner.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163