Family Counseling

Diagnosing and Treating Signs of Early Onset Dementia

By |2024-09-27T12:29:51+00:00April 22nd, 2024|Aging and Geriatric Issues, Family Counseling, Featured, Individual Counseling|

Early onset dementia is a frightening diagnosis to receive. Typically, we expect illnesses related to cognitive decline to affect people in their seventies and beyond. Signs of early onset dementia, however, can appear from the age of 30 and older, but before the age of 65. This is typically more difficult to diagnose, as it is not the first condition that medical professionals suspect. While there is currently no cure for any type of dementia, it is possible to take steps to treat the symptoms. This can decrease the rate at which the condition advances and improve the patient’s quality of life. Signs of early onset dementia The symptoms of dementia vary according to the specific condition the person is suffering from. An individual can experience several signs of early onset dementia, or just one or two. For this reason, a medical diagnosis needs to happen. Professional assessments are conducted by specialist psychiatrists and test aspects related to a person’s memory, communication, focus, and reasoning. Short-term memory loss is of course one of the most obvious symptoms. While most people forget things from time to time, including details of a conversation, or the reason why they have walked into a particular room, if these occurrences become more frequent, they should be noted with concern. Dementia typically does not affect long-term memory as quickly, but it is the retention of day-to-day events that tend to “go missing” from one’s brain. Language and communication are other areas where signs of early-onset dementia present themselves. A person who is typically erudite can start to falter over common language expressions and jumbled words. For example, instead of asking whether they should cook dinner, they might ask whether the food is eaten, confusing the listener. They start to repeat themselves, unaware that they have [...]

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Bullying Prevention: How to Help Your Child

By |2024-09-27T12:23:42+00:00January 10th, 2024|Christian Counseling for Children, Christian Counseling For Teens, Family Counseling, Featured, Relationship Issues|

School is more than just a place of academic learning. It is also a place for making connections with others. Children enjoy playing with other children. Bullying is defined as aggressive behavior displayed when a person intentionally and repeatedly causes another person fear, injury, or distress. Bullying prevention starts with being committed to providing safe places for children to grow without fear. What makes a bully? Children who bully aren’t necessarily bad kids. Occasionally, they are simply okay kids who made a bad decision. It is important to know that a child bullies another child for many reasons. They seek attention because they lack attention at home. They are bullied by older siblings. They were once a victim of bullying. They are unable to accept the differences of others. They look down on others who are from a lower social class. They want to feel popular, powerful, and in control. They are jealous of their victim. They think that they are entitled to have everything they want. What makes a victim? A child doesn’t just decide that they want to be the victim of bullying. A child can fall prey to a bully just because they happen to be in the wrong place and at the wrong time. Bullying doesn’t just happen to weak children. Some victims are strong and popular. The thing to remember is that the fault does not lie with the victim. It is a choice that the bully makes based on some other issue. Most of the targets of a bully have the following characteristics: Creativity and/or intelligence. Success. Social isolation with few friends. Popularity. Disabilities. A different physical appearance. Different religious beliefs. Cultural differences. Supposed sexual orientation that is different from their biology. Vulnerability. Recognizing that your child is being bullied. The signs of [...]

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