Do you feel that you want to slow down time and just connect with your family? This may indicate that your family could benefit from family counseling. Having a career and raising children don’t always go hand in hand. If you are a single parent that just adds to the chaos. Whatever the reason you feel there is a chasm in the family seeking family counseling may help you and your family reconnect.

Maintaining a stable home in a busy world takes patience. With so many activities for children, parents often find that their family is scattered from one end of the city to the other. When they are home, sometimes children seem distant and uninterested in being home. This isn’t always about them not being happy; it could be just because life gets busy. Sporting commitments, academic requirements, and career responsibilities keep everyone moving in different directions.

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(469) 333-6163

The Christian counselors in The Colony, Texas are committed to helping you assess the issues and create a counseling plan for your family. These counselors will create a guidance plan based on godly principles. God designed families to be led by the parents so that the children would grow in his instructions. He created the family dynamic to work according to his plans so that the family would grow together spiritually.

Family counseling is not a reflection on parenting skills or child behavior. It is simply a way for a family to reconnect in a busy world. Family counseling at The Colony Christian Counseling provides families a way to refocus and restructure the home after a disruption such as moving, death, or new additions. Understanding that changes can be addressed and overcome as a family brings the family back to a structured lifestyle.

God has the ultimate plan for families. He has a desire to see them flourish and grow. He wants a family to always be connected as one to Him. We are to work together to be fruitful in this life that he has given us. Christian counselors in The Colony would like to assist you in creating a balanced family that reflects godly principles. This is done through building strong relationships within the family.

Seeking to get closer to God and create a loving home is one of the most important priorities to have as a parent. Ensuring each member of the family feels safe and is healthy is something to focus on each day.

Everyone who thinks about family counseling wonders if it is the right thing and if it works. Family counseling can play a role in the development of children. Attending family counseling sessions can help the children learn to understand how to work together as a family unit. This will follow them into their adulthood as they seek to provide a stable and Godly home for their families. The best way to do this is to apply biblical principles to situations that the family may face.

A common question Christian counselors in The Colony get asked is this: “What should we expect from family counseling?” There is no single answer. Each family can expect something different. This is because the dynamics of each family work differently. The goals are set up according to what issues you are facing as a family. Some of the areas that are addressed depending on the need are:

  • Overcoming traumatic events
  • Removing conflict between parent
  • Battling substance abuse
  • Adapting to blended families
  • Overcoming life changes such as moving or career changes
  • Spiritual growth as a family unit
  • Loss of a family member/grief
  • Understanding sibling rivalry

By using the principles found in God’s word the Christian counselors in The Colony Texas can create a structured plan specific to your family. These plans are based on the goals of the family and godly principles.

Healthy Relationships Create a Healthy Family

Understanding that the foundation of the family is based on healthy relationships is the basic premise of creating a healthy family. Because each family is unique the dynamics are different for each family.

There are many areas that family counseling can address. Each family is unique and therefore requires unique strategies to maintain a healthy family unit. Your Christian counselor in The Colony, Texas will find the right strategy to help you create the peaceful home environment your family deserves. The first step in strengthening the family is to strengthen the family relationships.

The Parent and God Relationship

The family unit is unique because there is more than one relationship involved in the overall dynamic. The most important relationship is the one that the parents have with God. Without guidance from the biblical principles of God’s Word, the family has no foundation. God desires that families work together in unity to produce a healthy home.

The Parent-to-Parent Relationship

The goal of creating a healthy family is to ensure that the relationship between parents is healthy. Without a healthy parent-to-parent relationship, the other relationships have no foundation to hold them together. The better the parent relationship, the better the family relationship will be. Knowing how to work together as parents will enhance the leadership needed as the parents of the family unit. Children are always watching your behavior. God desires that parents would reflect his principles to their children.

Parent and Child Relationships

Following the parent-to-parent relationship is the one between each parent and child. Each parent is responsible for their relationship with each child. This takes patience. Each child is different and each parent is different. This can be quite overwhelming when you think about them on different levels. Learning to parent them separately but together is a key to keeping the family dynamic working properly.

God describes the parent-child relationship many times in His word. He desires that all children feel loved and treasured, just as he treasures and loves each of us.

The Child-to-Child Relationship

The third relationship of the family unit is the one between the children. This relationship tends to come to the forefront more than the others. This is reflected by the individuality of each child. Most conflict within the family stems from sibling rivalry.

Children are simple yet complex. They simply want what they want. As children grow their thought processes become influenced easily by others. Understanding how each child comprehends and reacts is vital to understanding how to overcome rivalry. Christian counselors in The Colony are willing to help you understand these principles and how to apply them to your family relationships.

After deciding that family counseling may be something that you want to pursue reach out to a counselor. Take time to find one that will help you and your family feel comfortable. The Colony Christian Counseling will be more than happy to help you create a safe place for you and your family to receive faith-based guidance.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163