Raising children in today’s world is not an easy chore. Trying to make sure the influences they listen to are biblical and not worldly can be challenging. There are times these influences lead to behavioral or mental health issues. Children weren’t designed to take on the stress of peer pressure that is so prevalent in the world today.

Learning to raise a child according to God’s Word is becoming less popular. However, once the boundaries are established the child will have a foundation that will carry them through life. The Colony Christian Counseling in Texas is ready to help you understand how counseling for children and biblical principles can create that foundation for your child.

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(469) 333-6163

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.  – Proverbs 22:6, NIV

When you apply Bible-based principles, you can raise your children in a way that will give them the tools to face their challenges. Through these principles, your child will understand that the popular crowd doesn’t always have their best interests at heart. Faith-based processes can help instill confidence in their faith and know why they believe.

Children don’t always share problems with their parents. This makes identifying the need for counseling a little more complicated. There are signs that you can watch for to get an indication as to whether or not counseling would benefit your child. In order to identify issues, you will want to watch for the following behaviors over a period of time.

Here are a few problem areas that can help you identify if your child needs counseling:

  • Continual conflict with family members
  • Disinterest in social activities
  • Anxiety resulting from health problems
  • Processing grief/trauma
  • Change in academics
  • Loss of interest in spiritual growth
  • Relocation of family or new family members
  • Signs of risky behaviors such as drugs or sexual promiscuity

Any of the above issues could be a sign that your child is having difficulty processing a challenge he or she may have not shared with you.

You don’t have to face this process alone. Children aren’t any different than adults when it comes to experiencing issues that affect their moods or mental health. Reach out and allow Christian counselors in The Colony to help you navigate this time with your child.

Every parent wants to know if counseling will work. They don’t want to put their child through unnecessary treatments if it’s not going to help. The answer to this question lies within the amount of input the child will exhibit in the process.

It has been proven that counseling children can be beneficial. One of the major factors is to ensure the child that he or she is valuable. It is also important to remind your child it is okay to need someone other than family to talk to about issues. The process may be different from adult counseling programs, but the outcome is still the same.

Children and teens face challenges like adults that can cause depression and anxiety. The difference is that they don’t understand how to ask for help. Counseling gives them the support system they need in difficult times.

Children are a heritage from the Lord, offspring a reward from him. Psalm 127:3, NIV

Because Christian counseling uses faith-based techniques, the application may not be the same as secular-based counseling. Using a spiritual approach to well-being offers deeper healing. By using a plan designed for your child, the Christian counselors in The Colony, Texas can help your child navigate and balance life and their faith principles. Christian counseling not only helps the parent help the child, but it will also help the child understand the biblical tools he or she can use for healing.

It is understandable that some parents do not want to use medication. Sometimes there are options that are available so that there are no medications involved. It is not uncommon for parents to opt out of using medications for treatment. Your Christian counselor at The Colony, Texas can discuss these options and design a unique treatment plan for your child.

As a parent, you want to be sure that your child receives the best help possible. You also want to know what to expect so you can be a part of a team that is helping your child. As with adults, the expectation of counseling children is much the same. Because each child is unique, his or her response to counseling is unique.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” – Jeremiah 29:11, NIV

The goal is to create a plan that will combine God’s principles, parental support, and counselor guidance. This combination creates the ability for the child to overcome challenges. Christian counselors in The Colony, Texas want to help you encourage your child to reach their potential as a child of God.

Most Common Areas of Counseling for Children

Anxiety and depression: Anxiety and depression do not discriminate against children. Your child can develop these issues as they face struggles and challenges. If you notice that your child has a sudden onset of nightmares they could be battling anxiety. There are other signs of anxiety such as lack of concentration at school, headaches, and a new concern for family or self.

However, if you notice that your child seems to be isolating themselves or appears to be more tired, depression could be the culprit. Each of these is treatable with and without medication.

ADHD: Most people think that ADHD and anxiety are the same. There are some slight differences that require a different approach and treatment plan. The good news is that ADHD can also be treated with and without medication. If you notice your child has a lack of attention, impulsiveness, and constant motion you should connect with Christian counseling in The Colony, Texas.

Eating disorders: As unusual as it may seem, children can and do suffer from eating disorders. It has nothing to do with age. Just like adults, the most common indicator is a change in eating habits. This can range from eating alone to disliking their favorite food.

One disorder that parents tend to notice is the avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (AFRID). AFRID occurs when a child seems to struggle with eating for reasons based on the fear of choking or getting sick.

Behaviors that are self-injuring: Any form of self-harm is always a sign that there is an underlying condition that needs to be addressed. If you see your child attempt to self-harm, do not hesitate to contact a Christian counselor in The Colony, Texas. Although the child may not be trying to inflict a life-ending injury any self-injuring behavior can result in death.

Anger issues: Most children have angry outbursts when they don’t get their way. But there are outbursts that can be considered more serious. Navigating anger issues goes beyond just being the parent and authority there also has to be consistency. Without consistent authority and decisions, the child may become less likely to overcome anger issues.

After deciding that your child and family may benefit from child counseling you can contact a counselor near you to request an appointment for an intake. It is important to connect with a counselor that will include family members in assisting your child in receiving the best treatment. By using a Bible-based treatment plan you are not only letting your child know that you love him or her enough to help him or her overcome obstacles, but also that God will help him or her through any challenge they may be facing.

The Colony Christian Counseling would be happy to discuss your options and needs regarding your child’s need for counseling.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(469) 333-6163