It can be hard to wake up motivated and energized to face the day without a morning routine. However, it is important to learn how to get the morning right so that it sets you up for the rest of the day. You can start as you intend to finish.

Because we all have different demands each morning, it can be hard to have a routine that fits everyone. Certain habits need to be followed in the morning that have been proven to aid us in starting our day.

12 Habits for a Healthy Morning Routine

Below are some habits to adhere to for a healthy morning routine.

Start the day before.

A healthy morning starts the day before. To avoid the rush of the morning, it is advisable to tie up all the loose ends of the day the night before. Things like doing the dishes, picking your outfit for the next day, and packing lunches mean you do not have lots of tasks you need to do in the morning. This makes you less anxious as you start the day.

Wake up early.

Waking up early has so many benefits. The world is still quiet during that time. It is the best time to take care of yourself as you begin the day. Waking up early makes you feel good about yourself, which will be a great start to the day.

Change your alarm tone.

We are all familiar with the loud, unforgiving alarm tone that jerks us awake in the morning. This usually leaves us annoyed and grumpy. Choosing a more melodious tone for our alarm means that it wakes us up in stages and we get to ease into being fully awake. It helps more if it is a favorite song.


Drinking water first thing in the morning has many health benefits. Before we go for that cup of coffee or bite to eat, it is important to hydrate first after hours of being asleep.

Clean up.

Making your bed and tidying your immediate space has been seen to be beneficial for how the rest of the day will go. A clean and tidy environment has been proven to help with anxiety and bring about calmness. It’s also a motivation boost as your day is starting with a win.

Bible reading and prayer.

Reading the Bible and taking time for prayer is essential as it feeds our mind and soul. It also allows us to lay all our anxiety on God’s feet. You can ask for guidance for the day ahead and take time to be thankful.

Go outside.

Exposure to nature, sunlight, and fresh air in the morning helps boost our mood. It also gives us time to calm our racing minds, catch up with ourselves and give our bodies the physical benefits of being outside.

Physical exercise.

To get the blood flowing in our body, get some light exercise in the morning. Exercising also aids in the production of endorphins which are essential for uplifting our mood.

Fuel up.

It has been said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. To tackle the day ahead, we need to fuel up with what our body needs. A healthy breakfast assists our body with a much-needed boost.

Plan for the day.

Taking time to plan the day alleviates a lot of anxiety that comes with not knowing what to do first. Each day we have a lot on our plates. Having a checklist will help in organizing what needs to be done on a schedule so that we do not feel overwhelmed.

Connect with loved ones.

Reaching out for connection in the morning is especially essential, especially in our fast-paced world that might not give us an opportunity during the day. This is especially helpful for those who live alone. Calling a parent or friend just to say good morning helps alleviate feelings of loneliness. We are social beings, and our well-being is strongly tied to our loved ones.

Leave home early.

For those who work away from home, you must give yourself enough time to drive to work, get there settle down and prepare for the day. Leaving home late leaves room for anxiety, road rage, and an unsettling start to the day.

How Christian counseling can help establish a morning routine.

Most of us have been going through life without being conscious of how we are starting the day. If you feel like you need help developing new habits in the morning that will help in your productivity and well-being, please get in touch with our office. At The Colony Christian Counseling in Texas, we have trained counselors who can help you start this journey.

“Stretching”, Courtesy of Bruce Mars,, CC0 License; “Morning Coffee”, Courtesy of Sir Manuel,, Unsplash+ License; “Morning Devotions”, Courtesy of Nathan Dumlao,, CC0 License;